
The Gamma Zone

                   49. "Princess Bride" - William Goldman 
                   48. "Animal Farm" - George Orwell 
                   47. "Mythago Wood" - Roberrt Holdstock 
                   46. "War of the Worlds" - H.G. Wells 
                   45. "The Wizard of Oz" - L. Frank Baum 
                   44. "Emphyrio" - Jack Vance 
                   43. "The Demolished Man" - Alfred Bester 
                   42. "Watchers" - Dean Koontz 
                   41. "The Illuminatus! Trilogy" - Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson 
                   40. "The Chronicles of Narnia" - C.S. Lewis 
                   39. "Starship Troopers" - Robert Heinlein 
                   38. "Interview with the Vampire" - Anne Rice 
                   37. "The Green Mile" - Stephen King 
                   36. "Blood Music" - Greg Bear 
                   35. "Mindkiller" - Spider Robinson 
                   34. "Gulliver's Travels" - Johnathan Swift 
                   33. "The Book of the New Sun" - Gene Wolfe 
                   32. "Helliconia" - Brian Aldiss 
                   31. "The Hobbit" - J.R.R. Tolkien 
                   30. "Fahrenheit 451" - Ray Bradbury 
                   29. "Watership Down" - Richard Adams 
                   28. "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress" - Robert Heinlein 
                   27. "I, Robot" - Isaac Asimov  
                   26. "Le Morte d'Arthur" - Sir Thomas Malory 
                   25. "The Stand" - Stephen King

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