
The Gamma Zone

                    74. "Dying Inside" - Robert Silverberg 
                    73. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" - Jules Verne 
                    72. "A Fine and Private Place" - Peter S. Beagle 
                    71. "West of Eden" - Harry Harrison 
                    70. "Dark Elf" - R.A. Salvatore 
                    69. "The Martian Chronicles" - Ray Bradbury 
                    68. "Adventures of the Stainless Steel Rat" Harry Harrison 
                    67. "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" - Mark Twain 
                    66. "The Gap" - Stephen R. Donaldson 
                    65. "A Spell for Chameleon" - Piers Anthony 
                    64. "Midnight at the Well of Souls" - Jack L. Chalker 
                    63. "Mars" - Kim Stanley Robinson 
                    62. "Conan" - Robert E. Howard 
                    61. "A Fire Upon the Deep" - Vernor Vinge 
                    60. "Xenogenesis" - Octavia Butler 
                    59. "2001" - Arthur C. Clarke 
                    58. "Earthsea" - Ursula K. Le Guin 
                    57. "Fionavar" -Guy Gavriel Kay 
                    56. "Good Omens" - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett 
                    55. "Slaughterhouse Five" - Kurt Vonnegut 
                    54. "Pern" - Anne McCaffery 
                    53. "Timescape" - Gregory Benford 
                    52. "A Clockwork Orange" - Anthony Burgess 
                    51. "It" - Stephen King 
                    50. "Wheel of Time" - Robert Jordan
